Last updated 10/15/2024
Late arrivals
It is very important that you are at our studio at the scheduled time. If you are running late please promptly notify us by sending a text to 212-390-0410. Session will be canceled with no refund if client does not show up and if we don’t hear from client by 15th min after the appointment start time. Session is cancelled with no refund if client is not at our studio 30 min after the appointment start time.
Rescheduling or cancelations up to 4 hours before the appointment
No extra charges will apply for up to 5 reschedules or cancelations. After 5 rescheduling attempts we reserve the right to charge extra fees and if necessary block client from future booking.
No-shows, cancelations or rescheduling less than 4 hours prior to appointment time
Full price of the appointment is charged to the client or client’s company. Fee is waved upon a proof of a serious medical emergency.
Showing up not camera ready
Client’s responsibility is to show up camera-ready and well rested. While we make every effort to help clients with some adjustments and improvements to their look at the studio, sometimes it is not sufficient. In that case session has to be rescheduled and extra 50% of session fee is applied to client or client company.
Examples: unfixable hair or makeup malfunctions, inappropriate clothes, condition of the skin or visible severe fatigue.
Clients can schedule a re-shoot in case photographer failed to do required lighting or has not followed company specifications. Re-shoots do not apply to sessions where clients are not happy with their hair, makeup or clothes.